Assamad Foundation

Charity Registration Number

“Empowering Children, One Child at a Time”

Participate in our life-saving mission and help us continue creating a better world for tomorrow.

About Us

For over half a decade, AsSamad Foundation has been a beacon of hope for underserved families in the villages of Pakistan. Our mission is not just a project, but a commitment to uplift lives and foster sustainable change. We’ve had the privilege of transforming the lives of countless families over the years, focusing on those who need it most—widows, orphans, persons with disabilities, and the sick.

We meticulously vet and engage with zakat-eligible families to ensure that your contributions make a meaningful impact. With a modest monthly donation of just £10, you can become a part of our compassionate community, dedicated to spreading hope and joy where it’s needed most.

Our Campaigns

Education Support

Fostering a brighter future through educational resources and support for children in need.

Orphan Support

In the heart of our mission lies a deep commitment to supporting orphans, who represent some of the most vulnerable members of our society.


Enhancing quality of life by addressing the holistic needs of individuals and communities.

Medical Assistance

Providing timely medical support to alleviate the health challenges of the sick.


Meals Served


Funds Raised


Members Worldwide


Water Cooler Installation

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What We Achieved

AsSamad Foundation has been a catalyst for positive change in the villages of Pakistan. We’ve touched the lives of over 500 families, providing educational support to more than 300 children, covering hospital bills for over 200 individuals, and distributing monthly food rations to 150+ elderly residents. Our targeted aid for widows and the installation of clean water coolers have empowered communities and created a ripple effect of hope and sustainability. These milestones are not just numbers; they are a testament to the transformative power of collective action and compassion.

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They Need Your Help!

Your donation can make a world of difference. Choose from various options to contribute to our life-changing programs.